Saturday, September 10, 2011

Celebrate Autumn: Wreaths

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Autumn is a visually stunning season. The wonderful colors illuminate the landscape: bright oranges, fiery reds, sunny yellows, chocolate browns and various shades of green from deep hunter green to a bright yellowish green.

Adorning your door with these autumn colors is a great way to "Celebrate Autumn". It gives a warm welcome to your guests and catches the eyes of passer byes. 

Above is a custom-made wreath which I designed for a friend. She wanted a unique autumn wreath to put on her front door. I listened to what she'd like and translated it in to this wreath.

A custom design can be as unique as you are.

Please contact me if you'd like to discuss having a custom-made wreath designed for your home.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Celebrate Autumn: Involve the Kids and Create Memories

Autumn Banner


Growing up we loved the holidays and would celebrate them to their fullest. My parents would make each holiday memorable and special.

Some of my fondest memories center around decorating for the holidays and seasons. My Mom and Dad not only involved us in decorating for the holidays, but selecting new decorations.

One of my favorite memories is going with Mom to Northfield Floral, which at that time was also a greenhouse. It was Autumn and the floral shop was all decked out with Halloween decorations. We looked at a display of ceramic light up jack-o-lanterns. Mom asked us, my brothers and I, to choose one. I remember the whole experience to this day - the smells of the floral shop, the excitement of the season and being involved in picking out a new decoration. 

This is just one of many memories I have. 

So get your kids involved.

Here are some ideas:

  • If you would like a new wreath - have them design one for you by drawing it out. Then take them to a floral designer, like myself, and include them in the process. Not only will you end up with a custom wreath, but you'll end up with memories.

  • Bring the kids with you and visit a local craft fair. Allow them to pick out a decoration. Make an experience of the day. 

  • Pick out decorations with a meaning and share a story. Maybe you pick up a whimsical arrangement like the one pictured above. The reason you chose it was because it reminds you of the time when your kids created a scarecrow. It makes you smile each time you see it and reminds you of the memory. Share the meaning with your kids or give it to them and explain the reason you bought it.

We still decorate using some of the decorations we picked out when we were kids. They have became wonderful reminders of time spent with each other.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Celebrate Autumn

Autumn Banner

Autumn is one of my favorite seasons - the crisp air, ripening apples, and the great colors - there is something for everyone.

There are many wonderful ways to celebrate Autumn from visiting a local orchard to decorating your home.

How do you celebrate the season?

One great way to do so is by bringing the outside in. No, I’m not talking about piling leaves in your living room – that would be a little too literal. What I mean is to use what’s happening outside for inspiration to decorate your home. For example: a grapevine wreath adorned with colorful leaves and various flowers creates a warm welcome for any guest who comes to your home. Having a wreath especially designed for you using life-like foliage (traditionally known as “Silk”) is a budget friendly way to decorate your entrance.

This is one way to celebrate the season. I’ll share more over the next few months. I’d love to hear from you on how you celebrate. Please share with us - you can do so by posting a comment here, e-mailing me at:, posting it on Facebook, or via Twitter: @sweetstarfloral 


Saturday, July 23, 2011

Join Our Christmas in July Celebration

It's Christmas...
In July!

People are talking. They’re saying that they’ve seen him! He was spotted at an ice cream shop, a water park and numerous other sites.

He said he was going on vacation down south. Who would have guessed that Santa Claus would be vacationing right here in Minnesota?

They’ve heard his chuckle in Duluth, and he has Ho, Ho, Ho’d in Lakeville. He’s in disguise – a Hawaiian shirt and shorts… he’s blending right in.

You never know when you’ll bump in to him, so you better watch out… better not cry… better not shout – I’m telling you why… Because it’s Christmas in July!!!

Join us as we celebrate Christmas in July - we'll be sharing exclusive offers, Christmas decorating tips, and much more. Join us on Facebook, here at our website, and sign up to receive our E-Newsletter.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

An Anniversary, A Love Celebrated

Two years ago I decided to re-launch a labor of love, my business – The Sweetest Star Silk Floral.

I chose to re-launch it on a special day – Mother’s Day. I did this to honor one of my greatest influences, a hero of mine, someone I adore to this day – my Mother.

Floral design was a passion that I shared with Mom. I have many rich memories of sitting at our kitchen table and being mesmerized by Mom working on flowers and floral arrangements. She was creative beyond measure. At every turn she came up with wonderful works of art from crocheted hats adorned with flowers to music boxes. You could see her love and joy in each piece. She was my mentor. She encouraged me through each creative journey I took.

Mom passed away on the third day of 1998. In 1999 I started a business and named it after her – Sweetest Star Silk Floral. Her name is Starlene – “Star” for short. She was the sweetest person in my life.

I cherish the many memories that live on of her - her creativity, her love, her passion and her beauty. Today I not only celebrate an Anniversary, I also celebrate a beautiful life of someone who touched me with her unconditional and unending love.