Sunday, May 8, 2011

An Anniversary, A Love Celebrated

Two years ago I decided to re-launch a labor of love, my business – The Sweetest Star Silk Floral.

I chose to re-launch it on a special day – Mother’s Day. I did this to honor one of my greatest influences, a hero of mine, someone I adore to this day – my Mother.

Floral design was a passion that I shared with Mom. I have many rich memories of sitting at our kitchen table and being mesmerized by Mom working on flowers and floral arrangements. She was creative beyond measure. At every turn she came up with wonderful works of art from crocheted hats adorned with flowers to music boxes. You could see her love and joy in each piece. She was my mentor. She encouraged me through each creative journey I took.

Mom passed away on the third day of 1998. In 1999 I started a business and named it after her – Sweetest Star Silk Floral. Her name is Starlene – “Star” for short. She was the sweetest person in my life.

I cherish the many memories that live on of her - her creativity, her love, her passion and her beauty. Today I not only celebrate an Anniversary, I also celebrate a beautiful life of someone who touched me with her unconditional and unending love.

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